Important information regarding our return to physical classes following Covid-19
Student only entrance to building
Exceptions include early years (nursery, pre school ballet & tots tap), classes running directly after school for help with changing (Reception & Open Ballet 1-2), new trials for younger children (parent may accompany to studio) or anyone needing a carer for disability. We kindly ask adults to wear masks unless for health reasons you can not or if you are physically dancing with your child.
No communal changing spaces - Students to come pre dressed ideally with an all-in-one over the top [] or an equivalent fast remove layer with minimal baggage & a water bottle.
Exceptions include the classes running directly after school & for students who have multiple classes with uniform changes in one period, distanced changing facilities will be provided (please still bring minimal baggage). The church are offering a designated Buggy Parking area on the stage in main church, to help keep corridors clear for daytime Nursery & Pre School classes.
Separate entrances/exits to hall & studios with distanced cues to doors
Scroll to bottom of page to see information table for specific classes & days.
Hall: coming from Balham high road, proceed past the church entrance and follow the signs to enter via the pathway at the far side of the building (see images). Arrivals queue wait to be called forward near the entrance of the path (see signpost), collection queue line up down by hall doors. N.B Exception for Monday,Wednesday & Thursday Open Ballet 1-2 Hall classes– enter & exit for changing facilities via the main church doors under the arch (not the automatic doors) & children will be escorted to the hall by assistants.
Studio (main ballet studio upstairs):
WEEKDAYS: line up to enter through the main entrance - large automatic glass doors. Entrance cue on right via steps, collection cue on the left via slope (see images & signposts)
SATURDAYS: 8.55- 12.30pm line up to the main church doors under the arch (not the automatic doors) & students will be signposted / escorted to the hall by assistants.
SATURDAYS 12.45-6.15pm line up to enter through the automatic glass doors & the main corridor. Entrance cue on right via steps, collection cue on the left via slope (see images & signposts)
Studio (ii) (previously the lounge): line up to enter through the automatic glass doors & the main corridor. Entrance cue on right via steps, collection cue on the left via slope (see images & signposts)
Main Church: line up to the main church doors under the arch for Saturday Open Ballet 1-2 ii b. Tuesday Grade 4 Ballet, line up main entrance via auto glass doors.
Arrival registration & sanitation procedures
As a student arrives at the door they will walk across an antiviral door mat and be offered hand sanitiser as they are registered in by IB&D staff. Any parent or accompanying person entering the building to assist with changing younger students will also be sanitised and registered in and out for track and trace purposes.
Students/carers will be asked to confirm they have completed the Health Questionnaire prior to attending their first class;
Students will be given a number. This number will help them line up in the corridors on distance number spots before and after class, head to a distanced chair with a number on it for the hall or a changing facility, and it will also correspond to which 2m2 floor box they will be dancing in for class.
Once inside, pre dressed students will be asked to take off their outer layer and exchange their shoes for dancing shoes whilst lined up on their floor spot or numbered chairs ready for class. They will be given a designated storage box or chair for their belongings in the classroom.
Departure collections & between class disinfection procedures
Students will collect belonging from studio store box or chair and head 1 by 1 out to their corridor number spots or chair, to re dress and line up for collection. IB&D Staff will ask parents/carers lined up at the collection doors to give student name, and they will be called to exit the building. Students will be encouraged to prepare swiftly and parents are asked to be very timely with these changeovers to help prevent cross over times for classes arriving.
All classes have significant time gaps between them for students to enter and exit separately, to disinfect the barres with alcohol wipes and for the floor to be mopped and dried. Clothing boxes, bannisters, chairs & vinyl numbers will be wiped or sprayed clean as will toilet areas. Hygiene & distance reminder posters will be on the walls throughout the building.
Safety Precautions in class.
In keeping with government guidelines for dance classes, each dancing room will have staggered 2m2 spaces marked out on the floor for distanced dancing and / or floor spots to help the children keep their spacing. Barres will be marked out with distanced positioning too. Class numbers are restricted in accordance with these spaces and the government ‘bubble’ system.
Rooms will be well ventilated. Touch free hand sanitisers will be available in each room and the corridors.
Travelling across the space, partner dancing, facing one-another, circle dances and holding hands for classes above early years (Reception upwards) will be postponed until we are permitted to do so. There will be no sharing of props (if these are required, children may be asked to bring their own such as ribbon sticks or scarfs). Class content will be re choreographed to support distancing wherever possible, though it is important to acknowledge, especially with the youngest children, on occasion distancing might be accidentally broken in the case of a child going the wrong way or perhaps if someone were to catch a child from a fall or similar.
Nursery parents accompanying in class may be asked to wear over shoes in the studio (or have their shoes sprayed) and a mask if they are not dancing.
Teachers and Assistant will be teaching in visors or masks. If they are demonstrating extra physical moves and are over 2m away from students they may occasionally take these off for the exercise to enable clear oxygen flow
If first aid needs to be administered, full PPE will be used.
Studio (i) All spaces will have 2m2 distancing boxes marked out for dancing
Studio (ii) The lounge; Saturdays - now with vinyl floor for easy clean and better dancing
Our beautiful spacious Hall with plenty of room for distancing
Divided entrances for classes.
Pink (1); Studio (i) and (ii) weekday lessons and Saturday after 12.45pm. Purple (2); Mon, Weds, Thurs; Open Ballet 1-2 changing room entrance & Saturday 8.55-12.30 Studio (i) and church class entrance. Uniform collection point on Mon/Weds/Sat.Blue (3); Hall Classes,
Distanced Line up prior to and after class for safe arrivals and collections
Distanced line up corridor procedures
Ample window and door options in all dancing spaces for excellent ventilation & airing rooms
Tidy & contained storage for belongings where no changing facilities available (lined with biodegradable bags).
Plentiful stocks of disinfectants and PPE