Enrollment & Notice
One trial class is offered to all students. If a child does not sign up the trial is free. If a child enrols the trial is included in the termly invoice.
When a student enrols in to the school, please note they are not enrolling for one term only, they are enrolled in to the school as ongoing. Registration enrolment forms clearly state this & reminders are emailed out during the term. Each student is enrolled as an individual, including siblings or family members.
If you wish to enrol for one term only, this must be stated clearly in writing before their trial class & on joining the school.
‘Make up’ classes are not offered as standard. A student is expected to sign up to a class they can attend for the term and year ongoing. If your child has been ill or has a hospital appointment you may email to see if there is an alternative class we might be able to offer for that week, but it is dependent on spaces available and a number of other factors, so we will do our best but can not promise. Missing classes for parties or play dates do not apply.
Should a student wish to stop classes, it is essential that 1/2 a terms' notice - 6 term time weeks (not including any holiday weeks) is given in writing (email) for each student. N.B telling the class teacher verbally is not sufficient! Notice must be emailed to the Director of the School; Mrs Samantha Melville-Smith & receipt acknowledged.
If this is not given in the correct format as above, 1/2 a terms fees will be due for payment.
A 10% Sibling discount is offered for anyone requesting an invoice and payment is made before half term. After then full fees are due for late payment.
If a sibling leaves and misses the notice period, fees can not be used to pay for the other sibling’s bill.
If a parent wishes to make any changes to a student’s class or similar, they must make written contact with the director, Mrs Samantha and have these officiated. Discussions between class teacher and parents are not viable until they have been approved by Mrs Samantha.
Class Cancellations
Inspire Ballet & Dance London reserves the right to cancel any class for reasons they deem fit where absolutely necessary. Alternative 'make up' classes will be offered in exchange or a refund will be given if these are not possible.
If a class does need to be cancelled, as much notice as possible will be given via various forms of communication (email, telephone, notices); although please note the situation is unforeseeable and urgent, in rare cases class may also be cancelled last minute.
Class alterations; Class teachers and room used may change where necessary to support the running of the school and timetable. This is especially likely at the end of each school year. A child attends an Inspire Ballet & Dance for the training offered by the whole team and premises.
Private Lesson Booking & Cancellations; Private lessons are paid directly to the teacher and the church for room hire. These are organised by sign up sheets shared with parents. Once a booking is added, action is taken to secure the room and teacher. Any cancelations must be made a minimal of 24hrs before or full payment will be due. If a payment is outstanding after 4 weeks a late fee/ admin charge of 25% will be added.
Photography, Physical corrections & Assisted toilet trips for the infants.
Inspire Ballet & Dance respects the privacy of all students. All Staff are Advanced DBS checked and operate with a strict child safeguarding policy (please contact the office for further details).
Photography; permission will be requested for any photographic exposure of students. Parents are welcome to opt out. Inspire Ballet & Dance is regularly involved with public shows and events where control over public photography is less accessible - please bear this in mind when allowing your child to participate if you have not granted photographic permission as in this case we can not be held liable for their exposure.
Parents accompanying their child in Nursery Ballet are asked to refrain from filming or photography until watching week please.
The nature of Dance tuition does sometimes require respectable, professional physical corrections to be made where the teacher may appropriately move a body part of a student to correct their alignment etc. If you do not grant such permission please inform the school on enrolment.
Assisted toilet trips for infants; On occasion the youngest children may need to be supervised and taken to the toilets by our assistants or teachers, parents who do not grant permission for their children to be helped by IB&D staff are required to wait in the changing rooms for the duration of the class in case.
Communication between parents and Inspire Ballet & Dance staff.
All communications between parents and Inspire Ballet & Dance staff must go through the director Mrs Samantha via email. Verbal discussions about how a student is getting on may of course be held but any decisions, arrangements or scheduling of lessons or alike outside usual classes must strictly go through Mrs Samantha. Parents and staff are not permitted to issue or exchange personal details or organize private lessons without the director’s consent. All arrangements must be made via email to the school office or Mrs Samantha directly.
RAD & ISTD Exam Entry
Children are entered for ballet, Modern and Tap exams when they are physically, mentally and emotionally ready to take an exam, as confirmed by the director, Mrs Samantha. It is usual to take about 4 terms to prepare for an exam though this will depend on the number of classes taken per term, the ability of the student and whether show rehearsals have been factored in, affecting if it is taken sooner or later.
It is a pre requisite for all students wishing to take traditional RAD or ISTD exam to undertake a minimal of 1 term of double classes to help fully prepare them to an appropriate level of technical, musical and performance strength, as well as to build their solid confidence. Many children do need more than 1 term doubled up. Many children double up classes from grade 2 onwards as standard, though it is not compulsory until an exam term nears or unless pointe work is being undertaken.
Students will be presenting two solos per exam as well as group work, so Private Lessons are also essential before an exam to ensure personal feedback can be offered, applied & checked (a minimal of 1 lesson but 2 or 3 are more usual for best results).
Anyone concerned about the financial impact of exams will be offered the opportunity to discuss this with Mrs Samantha and help may be offered where needed.
Inspire Ballet & Dance staff will give their upmost to prepare students ready for exams and to ensure they are presented as really positive, exciting and proud experiences. It is asked that parents kindly keep in mind that all children are different and many have different rates of achievement, we will enter students in groups of readiness or as individuals, rather than as a set class year, in order to respect this.
Class award examinations or Internal exams and graduations may be an option for students who are only able to make it to one class a week or who have a lot on their plate or who might find ballet difficult but still enjoyable. These are examined under the same conditions and still awarded a certificate and medal but with the support of the teacher in the room, a less strict marking scheme and slightly less content to present.