RAD Grade 3 Ballet - Girls

Character skirt image IDS.PNG
gd 3 holly and anna.JPG
Character skirt image IDS.PNG
gd 3 holly and anna.JPG

RAD Grade 3 Ballet - Girls

from £3.50

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Children will be required to have the following;

  • Teal Princess Line Leotard with waist band

  • Pink Ballet Tights full foot or convertible

  • Pink Ballet Shoes - Split sole canvas

  • Character Skirt with Blue & White ribbons

  • Canvas Character Shoes low heel

Additional Items: (optional extras)

  • Pink Leg Warmers

  • Teal Cross Over Cardigan

  • Inspire Hoodie or All in One (see Inspire Garments on homepage)

  • Pink Ballet Socks for summer

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Hair must be in a bun or equivalent ballet style.

Ballet shoes may be canvas or satin. Split sole are permitted if preferred. Ribbons or elastic may be worn.

Convertible ballet tights are advisable for children taking Ballet conditioning as well as ballet, otherwise full foot are fine.

Character skirt will be made to measure and paid in cash to our seamstress - please email directly to organise.