Boys Ballet Uniform age 2-7yrs

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Boys Ballet Uniform age 2-7yrs

from £1.50

Please select sizes on the main uniform page, then select the item/ items from the drop down list here.

Boys will be required to have the following for Nursery through to year 2 ballet:
Boys stretch dance t shirt (white)
Boys navy dance shorts or navy leggings
Boys Ballet Shoes (white leather)
White ballet socks short or long

Graduation Star; A gold star can be ironed on to the Boys Dance T-shirt at each level Reception, year 1 and year 2. One is added per level * /**/ ***. Please add to the top left chest area.

Optional uniform:
White or navy ankle warmers

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Ballet Shoes should be white leather; Other colours are allowed on exception that a child joins the school already owning a pair.